
per month

Full-time video editor

Unlimited Revisions

Upto 12 videos a month *

Customized thumbnails

You WON'T be made to pay right now



per month

Full-time video editor

Unlimited Revisions

Upto 12 videos a month *

Customized thumbnails

You WON'T be made to pay right now


per month

Full-time video editor

Unlimited Revisions

Upto 12 videos a month *

Customized thumbnails

You WON'T be made to pay right now

Looking for Wedding Video Editing?

Project Based Pricing

• Highlight Video : 5-7 mins - $350

• Highlight Video : 8 - 10 mins - $400

• Teaser Video : 60 secs - $100

• Full-Film Video : 30 - 40 mins - $350

Package Pricing

• Highlight + Teaser : 5-7 + 1 min - $400

• Highlight + Teaser : 8-10 + 1 min - $450

• Highlight + Teaser + Full-Film - $650

Monthly Pricing


Minimum of 2 months

You get on average

(each month)


2.5 projects with all 3 videos


4 projects with all HL + Teaser


4 Highlight Videos Upto 10 mins